Sunset Cottage Plum Island logo sign
Sunset Cottage Plum Island logo sign

Terms & Conditions

  1. The Tenant will be responsible for all damage or breakage and/or loss to the premises, except normal wear and tear from occupancy. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are Tenants to indulge in large parties or groups in the house (max of 15 guests), with no more than 8 people staying overnight at the location of 7 Harbor St. Newburyport, 01950. Family get-togethers on the beach are fine, but extra cars (property has parking for 5 cars maximum) will have to be parked in public parking areas. This also refers to not parking in the street area, or neighbors’ property. Tenant agrees that disturbance of neighbors due to loud unreasonable noise will result in a cancellation of the rest of the stay and an immediate vacate policy in place, with no rental monies returned. NO cigarette smoking is allowed on the property. If it is found there has been smoking anywhere on the property a fee of $250 will be fined. No guests with pets unless agreed upon.

  2. The Tenant will leave the premises in the same general and good, clean and habitable condition, as was found. BOTTLES, CANS OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINERS MUST BE REMOVED. TRASH PICK UP EVERY Monday and Saturday. RECYCLE EVERY OTHER MONDAY. ANY OTHER TRASH MUST BE TAKEN OUT BY TENANT OR THE EXTRA FEE OF $100 FOR DISPOSAL WILL COME OUT OF SECURITY DEPOSIT.

  3. The Tenant agrees to allow the Landlord or his agent to enter and view the premises, both inside and outside: A) to inspect the premises B) to make repairs to property C) to show the property to a prospective Tenant or purchaser D) pursuant to a court order or E) to protect the premises if it appears that said premises have been abandoned or damaged by the Tenant.

  4. The Landlord and Tenant agree that should the premises be destroyed by fire or other naturally occurring casualty so as to become unfit for human habitation through no fault of the Tenant: that these presences shall thereby be ended, with refund to the Tenant for any rent unused.

  5. Subject to conditions of paragraph (5) five the Landlord agrees that should the premises acquire a condition which amounts to a violation of law which may endanger of materially impair the health, safety, or well-being of the Tenant or become unfit for human habitation, upon proper notice to or discovery by the Landlord thereof, the rent or a just portion thereof according to the nature and extent of the condition shall be suspended or abated until condition is remedied. If such a remedy is reasonably possible during the lease provided, the Tenant will resume rent responsibilities until such ending of the lease.

  6. The Landlord agrees to supply fixtures and household furnishings, equipment or other personal property only as represented at the time the initial deposit was made.

  7. Tenant shall not assign or sublet any part of the whole of the premises, nor permit the premises to be occupied for a period longer than brief, temporary visits by anyone except the individuals specifically named herein, their spouses, and any children born to them hereafter.

  8. In the event the Landlord brings a lawsuit against the Tenant to recover possession of the property, to collect rent or use and occupancy, or to recover for damages to the premises for which the Tenant is legally responsible, and the Landlord receives a judgment in his favor, the Tenant agrees to pay the Landlord’s costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, connected with such suit, appeal, and/or in satisfying any judgment rendered in the Landlord’s favor.

  9. The failure of the Landlord to act or otherwise assert his right shall not preclude him from doing so in the future or otherwise be considered a waiver of his rights or of the provisions of this tenancy-at-will agreement. Should the Landlord be deemed to have waived a breach of this agreement by the Tenant, such waiver shall not relinquish the right of the Landlord to later insist that said term, condition or provision of this agreement be complied with in the future and be reinstated.

  10. The Landlord believes, and the Tenant acknowledges, that the premises are fully habitable, in good condition, and without defect or problem. The Tenant promises to notify the Landlord immediately of any problems or conditions affecting the premises’ livability or use, or conditions of which the Tenant is dissatisfied or are not as represented. Such requests allow the Landlord an opportunity to fix or improve the situation to the original condition of the property (or Landlord’s claim of property). No refunds are given without an opportunity of the Landlord to address and resolve the situation as agreed upon by both parties at satisfactory.

  11. Cancellation Policy: Varies by season. Please inquire. No refunds within 30 days of booking regardless of season however.

  12. Tenant agrees to leave the house in the same condition as it was found. It is the responsibility of the Tenant to ensure the property is left clean and tidy. An additional fee of $200 will be taken from the security deposit, if property is not left in the condition in which found, with ONLY a NORMAL Cleaning needed.

  13. Tenant hereby assumes full responsibility for any and all injuries and or damages that may be sustained by Tenant, guests of Tenant or by any other person as a result of, or in connection with the rental of 7 Harbor Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 during this contract period. Excluding normal wear and tear, and hereby remises, releases, and forever discharge the Landlord (Lynn Haven Blais and/or Garrett C. Hunt), their heirs, assigns, and legal representative, from any and all actions, claims, damages, suits, or judgments resulting from, arising out of, or in any way relating to the rental of 7 Harbor Street, Newburyport, MA 01950.

  14. Tenant also agrees to indemnify the Landlord (Lynn Haven Blais and/or Garrett C. Hunt), for any and all loss, liability, damage, or cost that the owners may incur, excluding that relating to normal wear and tear, as a result of, or in connection with this rental of 7 Harbor Street, Newburyport, MA 01950, unless due to negligence on the Landlord’s part.

  15. If the Tenant defaults and/or otherwise fails to comply with regards to any item in this lease, the Tenant agrees to vacate said premises upon receipt of proper notice from the Landlord and/or upon proper commencement and final adjudication of proceedings authorized and/or required by the applicable laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.